Oct1, 09
General WU: Defranco's Agile 8
KB Snatch Density: 24kg. R then L. 90-120s rest when needed
5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 9, 7, 5, 7 (at this point I tore my palm, so fuck it)
(105 reps each hand)
KB Press: 16kgx15 (5 sets each hand, 60-90s rest)
SSB Squat: 155x5, 205x5, 245x5, 295x5, 335x5@9, 385x3@10
last set was pretty tough. Wasn't sure if I was going to have to push
myself up. Overall, not super satisfying, but better than no squatting.
1H Swings: 40kg R/L
5, 10, 15
-as a note: HR~184 after the last set of swings.
Hanging Knee Raises: 4x8
Cool down shit: TKEs, Hip flexor stretches, pec stretches, quad stretches, ham stretches.