Lately not a lot happening here in my blog. That is because I am preparing for the big move, in 2 weeks from tomorrow. Visa's, cleaning out my apartment, insurance, taking care of this and that, all has to be done. That doesn't leave much time for training, and when it does, it's a quick session with KB's or blitz session at the gym. Heavy weights are always attracting me ofcourse, but lifting them isn't gonna happen anymore. I am just not putting in enough food at the moment to fuel the old engine. Not a bad thing really, because I am still trimming down a bit, and seeing the results makes it worth it. However, heavy is always what I was used to, and not being able, or better (coz I am still able to) to lift a heavy weight with ease isn't gonna fly right now and sometimes I do miss that. At my heaviest, 110kg, I was slinging weights around the gym with much more ease, no biggie at all doing heavy deads, squats or whatever. But lifting heavy, and being heavy sometimes took it's toll outside of the gym. A sluggish feeling all day, tired, hungry, a beast walking.. Now, being a good 20kg lighter, live in the gym is tough, not just physical, also emotional. I really have to turn off the ego switch, because being able to do the same numbers at a much lighter weight isn't gonna happen overnight. It's possible, just look at some numbers mr Walker is putting up at a fairly light weight. It will take time though. Being a lightweight, and looking at life outside the gym, boy, life is a breeze! I can go somewhere without actually feeling hungry for a couple of hours! Not carrying around sandwiches, eggs, shakes or whatever I was stuffing in all day long, with the highlight being a delicious tuna shake with diet coke!! (that actually has been a mainstay for more than 6 years)..
Anyway, it all has it's benefits, and at the moment I can definitely see and feel the benefits of being lighter in weight, especially when I am moving in two weeks where the weather is hot, my wife looks beautiful and our room doesn't have airconditioning yet... hehe...
The ab video I posted earlier, is no longer available, so here is a different video for your viewing pleasure..