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October 12, 2014



hey nick gotta tell u this. i discovered your work in t-nation few days ago.
as an athlete that practices many sports (lifting, cycling and martial arts), going 100% natural (i don't even supplement), in a country that have a lot of great bodybuilders and gyms but very underdeveloped in powerlifting (brasil), and as a student in physical education (in a world full of 'rules' and 'scientific research' castrating physical culture); what i have to say is:
i find your shit very inspiring.
sometimes i feel like doing everything wrong. like i could never be at least good at all the things i practice, or spend a ton of money in supplements (they are very expensive around here), or dropping the sports practice, or i should do steroids cause everybody does or whatever.
the shit u write keep me on track, makes me see i'm doin it right, at least for me.
thank you for this and keep on with the great articles.
ps:my brother recently hit his greatest PR on the squat, a double bodyweight (140kg) while cycling heavy in a fixed gear everyday and oftenly practicing muay thai. fuck the boundaries!
ps2: would like to read something about lifting for combat athletes, or what u did back then for strength.


Hi Rodrigo...great comments and thanks for following Beyond Strong and all it stands for! Your brother is doing well...fine squat numbers at his bodyweight. I will put a note in my article diary to do something for combat athletes...when you guys give me input like this my mind EXPLODES with ideas!!!

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