I have just started squatting again after quite a long lay off due to bad, well, everything! That's not quite true, my knees are kind of ok.
With just 2 weeks behind me though I can tell that between squatting I am going to need to stretch, recover and do rehab to continue doing them hard.
I have set myself some nice goals to get to though. I have squatted 500lbs and some change before but if I can hit 500lbs or even 5 plates a side again I'll be pretty happy, especially as I am lighter now.
Harder still though is my all time goal of 400lbs for 20 reps.That is something I would love to hit - 400x20 at 40 years old! We shall see. Right now 300x20 would be hard. I know Rick is after this too.
So, I am attempting to inspire myself with a video of yours truly squatting from a couple of years ago.
In it you'll see my friend Laurence Shahlaei looking bored and easily front squatting 210kg, something he could probably do in his sleep these days. I'm hoping Laurence will attempt to beat Tom Platz's 500x23 reps shown below my modest video below. Big Loz has, in my opinion, the strongest legs in the world. Of course, 36" thighs help!
2008, for no reason other than it was squat day and I wanted to do something hard!
Platz shows me and just about everyone on the planet how it's done.
For my recent boxing match I wanted 10 exercises that would tax mainly the upper body muscles but that would also create enough oxygen debt to tax the entire cardiovascular system. I wanted the each circuit to last about 2 minutes and I wanted it to be done for 5 sets of 5 repetitions per exercise for a total of 250 reps.
I wanted the circuit to be with minimal equipment (two dumbbells) so I could do it at home and for the exercises to be a combination of power and strength movements.
The circuit I eventually came up with served me well and is now helping many others achieve great results. There are many variations on a theme but getting circuits or complexes or whatever you want to call them right isn't always smooth sailing. This one is on the money.
The Power 10
One Dumbbell Clean and Press (each arm)
One Dumbbell Swing (each arm)
One Dumbbell Side Swing (each arm)*
Two Dumbbell Clean and Press
Two Dumbell Bent Lateral Raise
Two Dumbbell Snatch
Two Dumbbell Upright Row
Two Dumbbell Squat
Two Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Two Dumbbell Deadlift
Complete 5 reps of each exercise without stopping.
Rest for 1-2 minutes.
Repeat the circuit 4 more times for 5 in total.
*I do the side swing slightly bent at the waist. (Scott Abel calls these Lateral Throws)
Do the squats with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders NOT at your sides.
Work through each circuit as fast as possible.
Putting the Two Dumbbell Snatch in half way is a killer! At this point fatigue has set in so the last thing you want to do is a power movement. However, it works really well. I never thought upright rows and such light squats could be so hard until I did this circuit. The only respite is the last two exercises but by then you just want to get to the rest period as quickly as possible.
Since the boxing match I have used this circuit in a few different ways.
I do it now as my primary warm up with light dumbbells. It is a perfect overall warm up.
I have done it to a maximum weight working from 5 reps with light dumbbells up to a single rep for each exercise with 70lb dumbbells.
I have used it in between other bouts of training like grip work and rowing to keep the intensity up.
As you can see it really is a multi use circuit.
I have considered a few other circuits since originating this one but I haven't tested them fully yet.
The week before I boxed I did this circuit with 45lb dumbbells in 14 minutes 20 seconds.
I want to thank Scott Abel who I stole the side swings off for helping me come up with such a great conditioning circuit.
I hope some of you try this circuit and reap the rewards. Later on I will video me doing the whole thing (just one circuit) but to watch me do it for nearly 15 minutes would be pretty boring.
Actually this blog is now 3 years and 1 month old and despite my admittedly poor input over the last year I am really pleased we're still here.
Rick and Steve continue to fly the flag with their very different insights into strength, health and lifestyle. Both of them seem to be back on track and chasing their goals accordingly.
I've been so busy with work that blogging has been low on my list of priorities. Over the past year I've worked on a number of high end features and am starting another one now. However, I am STILL training and after the recent boxing match and build up to that I am eager to hit some nice weights again at my lower bodyweight.
3 years ago I began with an article based around Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Lee HERE
These two men influenced me and generations of weight trainees, film makers, martial artists and average joes. Very few people are known by just their first name but both Bruce and Arnold have this honour and much more to their credit.
Here's two of my favourite Arnold and Bruce Photos.
The views and articles expressed on the Beyond Blogs section are those of the authors and BEYOND STRONG accepts no responsibility for their comments and writings.
(C) 2007-2014 Beyond Strong, Nick Mckinless
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