I am sure many of you are busy writing New Year Resolutions which involve lifting and training. My personal goals are are very simple - stay injury free!
There will be no competing this year, no chasing weights I don't need and no pushing to the limit when it's not required. I will work hard of course but the need to push my body is really not required at the moment.
I still intend to lift 3 times a week. This will be basic as usual. However, I will include some of the bodybuilding I have been doing recently as it's made a nice change and has taken the stress off my joints a great deal. I will be continuing with my mobility and hope to do more yoga. I also want to push to get in a couple of cardio or high intensity interval training sessions in each week. This I hope will keep my body fat lower than it has been.
The only time I will be pushing hard is during my work environment when 100% is required to produce a solid performance. I am hoping this will keep the injuries to a minimum. I have also been getting regular osteopathic treatment and I will continue this as it has helped a great deal.
I still feel as a competitor in Strongman I have much more in me. I don't think I ever really peaked as a lightweight strongman. I hope to make a comeback of sorts in my 40's (2 years away now!) and take on the younger guys on the world stage.
As I get older I am really interested in pursuing sport as recreation and not so much competition. Feeling good is more important to me than aching and creaking and popping pain killers all the time.
We'll see where this takes me.
As for you guys - let's give you something to think about over the holiday period.
Older but wiser training tips for 2009
Feel strong. Back off!
When everything feels strong and is going well in your training, consider backing off. The body likes to peak and then recuperate. Enjoy the strong times without the fear of injury or pain.
Get your technique down in all of the main lifts.
Ugly lifting is way too common these days. I personally hate it! Get your squat, deadlift, press, clean, bench and chin form perfect and reap the rewards. Give me a smooth 500lb deadlift over an ugly, hitched 550lbs deadlift anyday.
Compete in competitions not in the gym.
Frankly, no one cares what you lift in the gym if when you compete you come last or middle of the pack. Friendly competition is fine but save the psyching up and aggression for when it counts.
Don't be an internet hero.
YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I've said it before and I'll say it again - NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU LIFT!!!
Try something new.
There are so many avenues to health and strength that sometimes the gym seems a bit redundant to me. Here's a few things to consider trying in 2009. Squat with a different bar (Safety, Cambered, Top Squat etc). Go on a PROPER diet. DO some mobility work or yoga or pilates. Try some light strongman events. Lift a rock. Climb a tree. Try training like one of the greats such as Vince Gironda or Reg Park. Specialize on a weakness such as those spindly legs or pencil neck. Take a barbell to the park and do lifting and sprinting. Try EDT, Tabatas, HIT, 20 reps squats, Dogg Crapp training, Isometrics, Pre-exaustion, Chains, Bands, Complexes, 3x3, Smolov, German Volume Training, 50 reps sets, Pack of Cards, Speed Work, Heavy Partials, Ladders, The Transformation Program and the list goes on and on. Don't just read it or think it DO IT!
Beyond Strong wishes everyone and safe and happy Christmas time and successful 2009.
From my good friend Spike Cherrie for Xmas.