Got up at 4:30 am and was on the road by 5:07. Made it back in about 6.5 hours, much better then the 7.5 hours it took to get down there. I had an awesome week of doing absolutely NOTHING for 7 days. Did I train? Well, I did go to Gold's once and did upper body, hit some decent lifts, not too shabby, but that was it. Once. So, I basically did the patent pending "Cullen Stokes De-Load Method" of de-loading by NOT training. Hey, it works. Give it a try!
So what did I really do? I spent 7 beautiful days in the sand and sun, frolicking like a school girl in the ocean surf and drinking beer. I got sand in my ass, ears, nose, and eyes. I got tossed around like a rag doll by some decent waves, many times connecting with the ocean floor and getting scraped up by the sand and shells on the bottom. Hell, I even tried my luck with the body board...it took 2 severe crashed to make me realize that 230 pound guys shouldn't mess around with waves. The first crash I tumbled to the ocean floor and hit head first, making a very audible CRACK in my neck. It actually adjusted me quite well, but made me realize how much it would have sucked if I would have broke my neck. The second, I got tossed around like I was in a washing machine and somehow the board got between my legs and smashed my nuts. I mean SMASHED my nuts. The surf beached my like a f*cking whale and I just laid there in the sand clutching my man bag. That was all it took to take the board back to the rental place and get my $25 back.
Some pics:
Sunrise. My wife was very adamant about getting up at 6 am every day (which wasn't bad because most nights we were asleep by 7 pm anyway) and watching the sunrise while we drank our coffee. Our condo was about 30 feet from the beach.
A mid day wave. When I was attempting to 'board' I got caught somewhere in that white foamy stuff. No matter how strong you are, that stuff will TOSS you like you are 100 pounds.
Why did I take a picture of this? Simple...it said "World's Best Crabs" on the side of the boat and I thought it was funny as hell. 12 beers in the 90 degree weather makes everything funny. Plus, the dude driving it had this annoying little air horn he would blow every 10 seconds to draw your attention to his advertisement. Good times.
Who is that sexy beast??? Well, it's ME of course! LOL! My legs were burned, so I kept them covered. That is a Sudoku book, I was working on a level "HARD" puzzle there. I formulated if you work on brain puzzles while drinking beer, you can't possibly kill as many brain cells. My wife said I looked like a little old man.
So that was my week. All rested up and time to get back to the business that is IPA Senior Nationals. My entry form was mailed 2 weeks ago and I have the hotel reservations done. Now all that is left is to do it to it and get it fucking done.
We squat Sunday! I am to pull 575 for 5 conventional, NO BELT, afterwards. 30 pound jump from last deadlift workout since I skipped this past week. I am a slacker. Weight check tomorrow am to see how much weight will have to be lost. I have a feeling it is a lot! LOL!
Let the games begin! 78 days to Nationals and my fucking ELITE TOTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!